Regenerating a forgotten part of London
Despite its central location, Church Street and Paddington Green is a forgotten part of London. The area is one of London’s most deprived neighbourhoods, characterised by poor quality social housing and a struggling economy. At the time of our appointment he City Council had made great progress with a programme of neighbourhood renewal, but more imaginative interventions were needed to bring about real change. We worked with Westminster City Council and The Futures Team to prepare a masterplan for the area that encourages long-term physical, economic and social sustainability.
The Futures Team was established through the masterplanning process as a team of committed local people who helped to shape and inform the plan. We engaged local people to reach out to different audiences, employing local volunteers to assist with engagement and running a stall on Church Street Market every Saturday through the early part of the commission. A physical model helped residents to locate themselves and our proposals within the area. Big Ideas events and workshops stimulated discussion and debate.
The Futures Plan promotes a series of physical interventions that can be delivered incrementally as a series of independent packages, providing better homes, smart enterprise space and public realm improvements. Alongside the programme of physical change are a series of projects that will raise the profile of the area, encourage social cohesion and improve service delivery. This includes the creation of a new community hub, promotion of an evening economy and a branding and events strategy.
The City Council are currently progressing the first phase of residential enhancements together with public realm improvements and delivery of new workspace.
Westminster City Council
Church Street / Paddington Green, London
Urban Initiatives
Urban Delivery
Shared Intelligence
Turner & Townsend
00./ Architecture
HTA Architects
Urban Space Management
October 2009 - March 2011
Masterplan and Delivery Strategy
Commitment to deliver change